  • 영문서브비주얼1

Participation Rules

[Article 1] Purpose
1. The purpose of these regulations is to establish the standardized procedures and standards for the exhibit project of the Korea Fisheries Association (host/organizer).
[Article 2] Definition of terms
1. 「Exhibitor」 refers to a company, association, organization, or group that has submitted an application for participation and a contract and paid a deposit to participate in this exhibition.
2. 「Exhibition」 refers to “Korea Seafood Show 2025.”
3. 「Organizer」 refers to the Korea Fisheries Association.
[Article 3] Application for Participation and Contract
1. Exhibitors who want to participate in the exhibition shall fill out an application for participation and submit it to the organizer, and pay 50% of the participation fee (booth cost) as a deposit within two weeks after the application is received.
2. If the application for participation is submitted but the exhibition space is full or the items to be exhibited are deemed unsuitable for the exhibition, the organizer may reject the application for participation. Also, even after the application for participation is received, the organizer may reject applications for participation and prepaid payment such as deposits, etc., within 15 days depending on exhibition circumstances.
3. The exhibitor shall immediately notify the organizer of any changes in the contents of the application for participation or other documents already submitted, and is responsible for any disadvantage resulting from failure to notify.
4. Wire Transfer Information: SH BANK(Yangjae-dong Branch) / SWIFT : NFFCKRSEXXX Acct # : 1800-0059-4525 / Beneficiary : Korea Fisheries Association
[Article 4] Assignment of Exhibition Booths
1. The organizer shall assign the exhibition location by reflecting the booth type (In the order of independent booth, premium booth, and assembled booth), booth quantity, application order, nature of exhibits, etc.
2. If there are special circumstances, the organizer may change the assigned exhibition location and area through consultation with the exhibitor before the exhibition setup period, and the exhibitor shall cooperate with the organizer's request as much as possible, except in cases of force majeure.
3. If the deposit is not paid, the exhibitor may not be assigned a booth and the exhibitor may not raise an objection.
4. If the full amount is not paid by the participation fee deadline, the assigned booth may be automatically cancelled, and the exhibitor may not raise any objection.
[Article 5] Exhibition Hall Management
1. The exhibitor shall display the exhibits specified in the participation application form and assign resident staff to manage its booth thoroughly.
2. If the exhibitor displays items different from the exhibits specified in the participation application form or items that do not match the nature of the exhibition, the organizer may immediately order the suspension, removal, or take out. In this case, the participation fee will not be refunded, and the exhibitor may not claim compensation for this.
3. If necessary, the organizer may restrict the entry of a specific person into the exhibition hall. The exhibitor may not transfer, resell, or exchange all or part of the assigned exhibition space to other people without the written consent of the organizer.
4. The exhibitor may not paint, nail, or otherwise alter the original condition of the exhibition hall floor, ceiling, pillars, walls, etc., and shall provide appropriate compensation for damage to the exhibition hall upon the organizer's request for restoration.
5. The organizer may selectively exclude or restrict exhibition items, exhibition behavior, etc. in order to maintain order, manage safety, and prevent acts that may cause social controversy.
[Article 6] Conditions for Payment of Participation Fee
1. Within two weeks of submitting the application for participation, the exhibitor shall pay 50% (including VAT) of the participation fee (booth fee) as a deposit, as well as the remaining 50% as follows:
- Balance payment deadline: By May 31, 2025 (Sat)
However, if applying for participation after this date, the exhibitor shall pay 100% of the participation fee (booth fee) by the payment deadline upon application. 2. If the exhibitor fails to pay the balance within the specified deadline, the organizer may cancel the participation agreement, in which case the exhibitor may not request a refund of the participation fee already paid.
[Article 7] Cancellation of Participation by Exhibitor
1. If the exhibitor cancels participation or reduces the scale after submitting the participation application, the exhibitor shall immediately notify the organizer in writing of the reason for cancellation. The exhibitor shall pay the organizer the equivalent of the penalty specified below within 15 days after the cancellation of participation or reduction of scale. However, the participation fee already paid shall be deducted as a penalty, any shortfall shall be paid additionally, and any surplus shall be refunded.
2. Exhibitors may not transfer all or part of the exhibition space assigned to them to others without the prior approval of the organizer. If this is violated, the organizer may cancel participation. In addition, the participation fee already paid will not be refunded.
- Cancellation before May 31, 2025: 50% of the exhibition participation fee shall be paid as a penalty in case of cancellation, and 30% of the reduction as a penalty in case of reduction.
- Cancellation between June 1, 2025 and June 30, 2025: 80% of the exhibition participation fee shall be paid as a penalty in case of cancellation, and 50% of the reduction as a penalty in case of reduction.
- Cancellation after June 30, 2025: 100% of the exhibition participation fee shall be paid as a penalty in case of cancellation, and 80% of the reduction as a penalty in case of reduction.
3. No interest is paid on the refund amount.
[Article 8] Cancellation or Change of the Exhibition
If canceling the exhibition by organizer, the organizer shall refund the full participation fee already paid to the exhibitors. However, if the exhibition is cancelled or the date and venue are changed or reduced due to special circumstances (natural disasters) that are not attributable to the organizer, such as force majeure, the participation fee already paid shall not be refunded, and in this case, the exhibitor may not claim compensation from the organizer.
[Article 9] Display of Exhibits and Promotional Activities
1. Exhibitors shall complete the installation and display and brining-in of exhibits in the assigned exhibition area within the specified period. If exhibits are not displayed by Tuesday, July 1, 2025, the organizer may cancel the exhibitor's exhibition and claim compensation for damages.
2. Organizer may restrict the display of exhibits that are in conflict with the nature of the exhibits stated in the application for articipation, and exhibitor shall follow the organizer's instructions.
[Article 10] Removal of Exhibits and Fixtures
1. If the exhibitor has carried out construction within the exhibition hall, the exhibitor shall completely restore it to its original condition within the exhibit removal period.
2. The exhibitor shall be fully responsible for any costs resulting from the exhibits not being removed within the period due to the exhibitor’s circumstances.
[Article 11] Security and Risk of Exhibition Hall
1. The organizer shall take appropriate security measures for exhibitors and visitors.
2. In case of damage to the equipment in exhibition hall or the exhibition hall's ceiling or floor during the exhibition setup and display of exhibition items, the exhibitor shall compensate for this.
3. If the exhibitor intentionally or negligently causes fire, theft, damage, or other accidents, causing damage to the organizer or others, the exhibitor shall be fully liable for compensation, and the exhibitor shall also be responsible for insuring all kinds of equipment and exhibits.
[Article 12] Fire Prevention Rules
1. All equipment and materials in the exhibition hall shall be properly fireproofed in accordance with fire regulations.
2. If necessary, the organizer may request the exhibitor to take corrective action regarding fire prevention.
[Article 13] Supplementary Regulations
1. If necessary, the organizer may establish supplementary regulations not specified in the participation regulations, and exhibitors shall comply with them.
2. Exhibitors shall comply with the various regulations of the exhibition hall.
[Article 14] Dispute Resolution
1. Any disputes between the organizer and the exhibitor regarding these participation regulations and other disputes regarding the rights and obligations of both parties shall be finally resolved through arbitration in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board and the laws of the Republic of Korea. The decision made by the Korean Commercial Arbitration Board shall be final and binding on both parties.